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"野趣捕影·飞鸟之语"——专访九州摄影艺术导师 Romario Severino

作者: 九州摄影
发布时间: 2025-02-06
浏览量: 145



Romario Severino

Romario Severino,巴西籍摄影师,扎根中国逾十年,对野生动物摄影情有独钟,尤擅鸟类摄影。其作品广受认可,荣登《国家地理》等权威平台,更在巴西自然摄影双年展上荣获沙龙奖章,彰显创意艺术巅峰。近期,Severino的多幅力作被100ASA摄影平台精选展出,同时在亚洲摄影大赛中脱颖而出,作品跨越国界,在多地巡回展览。他以镜头为笔,勾勒自然生态之美,成为连接中巴乃至世界文化交流的桥梁,展现了摄影艺术的无限魅力与深远影响。 

图文 / Romario Severino  

采访记者 / 杨红


一、九州摄影:Could you share some stories about your experience as an art tutor? 可以讲述一下您参加这次艺术导师时的一些创作故事吗?

Romario Severino:Participating as an art tutor has been an incredibly meaningful experience. It has provided me with a unique platform to exchange photography concepts and share my creative journey with a broader audience. I particularly enjoy organizing field trips where we can immerse ourselves in nature, exploring parks, forests, and wildlife settings. These trips not only allow me to showcase my skills but also enable me to share insights on selecting the right moments, angles, and techniques to capture specific subjects. The process is both enjoyable and educational, inspiring others while also refining my own creative approach.




二、九州摄影:What kind of photos do you like to take, and why?您喜欢拍什么样的照片?为什么?

Romario Severino:I have a deep passion for capturing photos related to nature and wildlife. Living in a bustling modern city, I find it fascinating that we can still encounter such a diverse range of animals, whether in urban parks or even the city center. Our parks are like vibrant micro-ecosystems, and with careful observation, one can discover an incredible variety of life, from birds and small mammals to snakes and insects.

I currently live in Shenzhen, where migratory birds often visit during the winter months. Photographing birds is particularly captivating to me because of their incredible diversity in species, sizes, and colors. These characteristics provide endless creative opportunities throughout the year, and every session of bird photography offers new perspectives and challenges.



三、九州摄影:Do you have any upcoming photography plans or projects? 接下来有什么拍摄计划?或者正在进行哪些摄影选题?

Romario Severino:As the season for photographing sunbirds draws to a close, I plan to focus on capturing images of kingfishers. Specifically, I aim to photograph the Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) and the larger White-breasted Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis). These two species are distinct from sunbirds, both in appearance and behavior, making them intriguing subjects. Their vibrant colors and dynamic movements present unique challenges, and I am excited to experiment with different compositions and lighting techniques to showcase their beauty.

随着太阳鸟拍摄季节的结束,我计划转向翠鸟的拍摄。我的目标是记录普通翠鸟(Alcedo atthis)和体型较大的白胸翠鸟(Halcyon smyrnensis)。与太阳鸟相比,这两种翠鸟在外观和动态特性上都截然不同。翠鸟色彩艳丽,且有着独特的行为模式,拍摄它们需要捕捉更为细腻的瞬间。这些挑战让我充满期待,我希望能通过不同的构图和光线运用,展现它们独特的美感。



四、九州摄影:What do you find most fascinating about photography? 您觉得摄影最吸引您的地方在哪里?

Romario Severino:I believe one of the most fascinating aspects of photography is its ability to capture and showcase beauty that often goes unnoticed. Through pictures, we can reveal the hidden charm of our surroundings and help people see things they might otherwise overlook. For example, when people discover through photographs the presence of delicate, precious little animals in certain areas of parks, it not only brings joy but also fosters a sense of responsibility toward the environment. By understanding that these areas are home to beautiful creatures, people are more likely to care for and respect nature. As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”



五、九州摄影:As a wildlife photographer, you often shoot outdoors, sometimes in remote places. Have you ever had any dangerous experiences? 作为拍摄野生动物的摄影师需要经常外出拍摄,有时甚至要去人迹罕至的地方。您有过外拍遇险的经历吗?

Romario Severino:I have never been in any truly dangerous situations, but there have been moments of concern. For instance, on a few occasions, I ventured into areas known to have snakes in order to capture unique angles of my subjects. In those instances, I found myself in slightly risky situations, which made me a bit anxious. However, I was always cautious and stayed alert, and thankfully, nothing serious ever happened. Overall, I find most of the places I visit to be very safe.



六、九州摄影:What philosophy do you uphold in your photography journey? What are your goals and pursuits? 在摄影之路上,您秉承的理念是什么?有哪些探索和追求?

Romario Severino:I believe that exploration is one of the most beautiful aspects of photography. Everyone has a unique perspective, but to truly appreciate the world, we must keep our eyes wide open and stay attentive to nature. The most extraordinary discoveries often happen when we least expect them. To capture these moments, one must always be ready, focused, and fully immersed in the journey of photography. It’s about finding beauty in the ordinary and staying curious throughout the process.




七、九州摄影:Being a foreigner in China, have you ever faced difficulties in taking pictures? 作为在中国的外国人,你在拍照时遇到过困难吗?

Romario Severino:I never had any problems taking pictures in China, in fact, I have been to many places to take pictures, and even my Chinese friends were surprised that I went to some places by myself. Photographers have the same goal: to take pictures and, if possible, to capture unique moments.

During these years, I made a lot of friends from different parts of the country, and many times, my friends sent me messages that their friends from other cities or provinces were coming to town, and they asked me to help them get good pictures.我在中国拍照从未遇到过任何问题,事实上,我去过很多地方拍照,甚至我的中国朋友也惊讶于我一个人去了一些地方。摄影师有相同的目标:拍照,如果可能的话,捕捉独特的时刻。在这些年里,我交了很多来自全国各地的朋友,很多时候,我的朋友给我发消息说他们来自其他城市或省份的朋友要来镇上,他们让我帮他们拍好照片。



A Natural Poem Through the Lens: The Artistic and Emotional Journey of Romario Severino.

The wildlife photography of Romario Severino is a powerful testament to his love and dedication to nature. His works, focusing on birds and other wildlife, showcase his exceptional photographic skills, patience, and artistic vision. Each piece tells a compelling story, inviting viewers into a vibrant ecological world to savor the intricate moments of animal behavior.

Romario Severino’s extensive experience in wildlife photography is evident in his ability to capture fleeting and brilliant moments. From a snake hunting its prey to the elegant dive of a kingfisher, he masterfully freezes these ephemeral scenes, allowing us to appreciate details that often go unnoticed. His expert use of lighting, choice of natural backgrounds, and precise focus create a perfect balance within the frame, highlighting his professionalism in composition.

Severino’s photography is not merely a documentation of natural scenes but a collection of artistic masterpieces that use the lens as a pen to illustrate the beauty of nature’s ecosystems. His work transcends simple documentation, transforming into art that reflects his deep emotional connection with his subjects. These photographs not only reveal the beauty of wildlife but also convey the importance of preserving natural habitats, inspiring a broader audience to respect and protect our planet.

Beyond the field of photography, Romario Severino’s contributions bridge cultures between Brazil, China, and the world. Through his works, he presents nature’s universal language, fostering understanding and appreciation across different cultures, and emphasizing the shared values of nature and art.

Severino’s photographic achievements are a perfect blend of technique, artistry, and a profound love for wildlife. His remarkable ability to capture the essence of nature is awe-inspiring, and his efforts to spread awareness of cultural and ecological conservation through photography are truly admirable. His works.


Romario Severino摄影师的野生动物摄影作品是他对大自然热爱和奉献的有力见证。他的作品以鸟类和其他野生动物为主要题材,展现了他卓越的摄影技巧、耐心和艺术造诣。每一幅作品都讲述着一个动人的故事,邀请观众进入一个充满生机的生态世界,细细品味动物行为的细腻瞬间。

Romario Severino摄影师在野生动物摄影方面的丰富经验体现在他捕捉转瞬即逝的精彩瞬间的能力上。从捕猎中的蛇到翠鸟优雅的俯冲,他精确地定格了那些稍纵即逝的画面,使我们得以欣赏到平时难以注意到的细节。他对于光线的运用、自然背景的选择以及焦点的把握,完美地平衡了画面,展现了他在构图方面的专业能力。

Romario Severino摄影师的摄影作品不仅仅是自然场景的记录,更是用镜头作笔,勾勒出自然生态之美的艺术佳作。他的作品往往超越了单纯的记录,升华为艺术,展现了他与拍摄对象深厚的情感联结。这些作品不仅揭示了野生动物的美丽,也传递了保护自然栖息地的重要性,激励更广泛的观众去尊重并保护我们的地球。

Romario Severino摄影师的贡献不仅局限于摄影领域。他通过作品搭建了连接巴西、中国以及全球文化交流的桥梁。他用镜头展示了自然的普世语言,促进了不同文化之间的理解与欣赏,彰显了自然与艺术的共同价值。

Romario Severino摄影师的摄影作品是技术、艺术和对野生动物深情热爱的完美结合。他捕捉自然精髓的能力令人赞叹,他通过摄影传播文化与生态保护意识的努力令人敬佩。他的作品不仅是对自然奇观的礼赞,更是一种对生命与自然深刻思考的表达。塞维林无疑是一位值得尊敬与学习的摄影艺术家。
